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If you travel like us, we are always concerned about the air quality and spaces that we inhabit. Hotels, resorts, and airbnbs are turned over very quickly with new occupants. When you check in, the rooms may still carry air germs from the previous travelers. We have a solution – Active Pure.
Active Pure is based on technology originally developed by NASA. It’s proven to reduce over 99% of micro-organisms in the air and on surfaces including: viruses, allegens, fungus and mold. The testing results of the Vollara Air and Surface Pro reduced airborne SARS-CoV-2 virus which causes Covid19.
Independent testing showed a 99.9% reduction in viral particles within 3 minutes.
Breathe easy with Vollara Air and Surface Pro:
The FreshAir Personal
The FreshAir Personal provides nature's own cleaning properties with a built-in ionizer that attracts free-roaming particles and captures them, reducing allergens and pollutants that invade the space you breathe.
Removes airborne contaminants and allergens from the air around your body
Freshens air and removes odors within your breathing zone
Can help keep irritating odors and particles out of your personal space while traveling in confined spaces like an airplane or train

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